First off I was not able to get this picture to post off of my laptop when I did my market post.
If it were not for these 3 fantastic girls, I would not have had 8 finished quilts and 9 wool projects displayed in my market booth.

Great job girls!
Lori, Sandy K., and Lois
Thanks for your dedication - I could never do it without you.
Next subject: The Des Moines Marathon
To me it is scary. The ambulance is always coming and going.
I cannot even image running 26.2 miles.
Our son Anthony and his girlfriend Deb trained all summer for this marathon.
Their goal was to finish under 5 hours.

They both met their goal.

Congratulations Anthony and Deb!

It was very cold Sunday in Des Moines.
We spectators wore winter coats, hats and mittens.
When the runners finished they were wrapped in "Mylar"??? blankets.
Anthony with his "blankie". Can you hear his teeth chattering???
Anthony with his "blankie". Can you hear his teeth chattering???
I learned a lot about marathons this weekend. I learned they have what is called a pacer. This is a person who runs along with a group of people who want to finish in a desired time frame (theirs was under 5 hours) to pace them and sort of be their coach.
I don't know his name but I do know he ran a full marathon
in Kansas City the day before this race.
Once again I don't understand - but wow my hat's off to him.
Next subject:
Jan and Pep Pateks anniversary.
Jan is having a contest to guess how many years she and Pep have been married.
I know but I shall not tell.
Hop on over to Jan's blog
to wish them a happy anniversary and make a guess. Guess right and you might win a Blessings Jelly Roll™ . Hurry up - you only have until Saturday to guess.

Jan and Pep on their wedding day.
What a great looking couple.
Happy Anniversary!
Happy Anniversary!
That's all for now.
From my heart,