Our featured designer today is Kari from New Leaf Stitches.

Hop on over to her blog and see what she has to offer. I am sure it well be great.
The topic of the day is Texture.
As the days start to get cooler I feel the need to change out the decor in the house.

I change out the tomatoes for…

There are so many interesting pumpkins and gourds out there, all with interesting textures.

This old quilt is one of my favorite "texture" things.
This is the front...

but I prefer to use the back because it has more texture.

I put woolly chair covers on my chairs and tie raffia around a pumpkin stem.

I bring out the hooked wool table mats.
Bruce made this for me.
Yes, happy to say, my husband is a hooker.
There are a few fall textures that I don't like so much.

Like the slimy, stringy innards of a pumpkin.
Bruce is helping Anthony with his Jack-o-lantern.
Bruce seems to be more into it than Anthony.

Another fall texture I do not like are cockleburs.
Some of you may not have experienced cockleburs.
Again it's a country thing.
In the fall when the men are out in the fields harvesting the crops,
they do not want to take time to come up to the house to eat supper,
so the food is taken out to the fields. My sisters and I would ride
along with mom to take the supper out to the fields.
When we arrived at the fields us girls would get out of the car
and play in the fields while the men ate their supper in the car.
(Kind of like eating at a Drive In.)
It was fun running around in the fields rustling through the corn husks.
But when you were done you had prickly cockleburs stuck allover your socks.
Oh how I hated that feeling.
But there is good in everything.
Did you know that Velcro was modeled after cockleburs?

I am experiencing another texture that I am finding as unpleasant as cockleburs in your socks
I am in the middle of the worst cold I think I have ever had.
When I swallow my throat has the texture of sandpaper.
Under my nose looks and feels like sandpaper.
When I cough I sound like a barking seal.
And I am sorry but I can find nothing good in this cold.
Hop from blog to blog to see what the other designers have to say about fall texture.
Comment on all 10 blogs and be eligible to win our grand prize.
GE Designs, Pieces of My Heart, Atkinson Designs, Pat Sloan, Anka's Treasures,
New Leaf Stitches, Whimsicals, Miss Rosies,
Rosebud's Cottage, Linda Lum DeBono.

Tomorrow's designer is Terry Atkinson of Atkinson Designs.
Tomorrow's topic will be Clothes.
Here is hoping you can go for walk and enjoy the fall day with all of its many textures.
And may you never find cockleburs in your socks.
See you tomorrow,
From my heart,