Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Moda Love - My Day

Welcome day 6 of the Moda Love blog hop.
It is my day to blog along with these two talented gals.

 Bonnie of Cotton Way 

I am not going to explain the whole school house/blog hop thing again as I think the previous bloggers have filled you in with all of the information that you need to know.
We were told we could take the basic pattern and add to it to make it our own using the line of fabric debuting at Spring market. 

My fabric line was Rambling Rose.
This fabric will be shipping in October. 

On Sept. 27th. I will be having an outdoor quilt show at our local retreat center, The Quilted Steeple. I wanted to use my quilt as a feature quilt in the show so I added borders and  my company name to the basic pattern. The Quilted Steeple will also have "A Chat With Sandy Gervais" starting at 1:00 PM in the church sanctuary. (Sept 27th.) I will tell a little about myself and then we will open the floor up to questions. We would love to have you join us. Fall in the country is beautiful!

Here is the link for the basic pattern. (There is no pattern for my additions.) Be creative and see what you can do with this basic pattern to make it "yours".

Moda Lissa gave us a list of questions to answer - so here goes.

When did you start quilting? Tell us about your first quilt.
I did not start to quilt until 1992. My first quilts were actually little wall hangings. I started out sewing clothing. My mother taught me to sew starting at age 8 when I joined the local 4-H club. I was in sewing for all 10 years that I belonged to 4-H.

When did you fall in LOVE with quilting/ textiles? and Why? 
At a very young age. I was a happy day when mom would say, "let's go material shopping". Usually I picked out the material first and then found a pattern.

 It was so relaxing thumbing through the big pattern books to find just the right pattern for my material. (fabric was call material back then) You can buy this vintage pattern book here.

 What fuels you to create? 
Chocolate and deadlines. (Nothing like a looming deadline to get the creating juices flowing.)

What  is the best part of your design process? 
Mixing the paint colors to start a line of fabric.
I love playing with color!

I get shaky knees when...... 

When I dance—and they are not shaking to the beat of the music. 
Known fact  - the Gervais do not dance.

I love the color......
I LOVE RED! Especially a warm orangy red,  much like the color of the sweater I am wearing in the Moda School house video.
I appear 5:53 into the video.

This project features a layer cake, charm pack or mini charm, but what is your all time favorite Moda precut?
I like to design with charm packs the best. It is kind of like a puzzle to me - trying to figure out what image I can make using the various squares. You can find all of  my Charm Pack™ patterns here.

I would love to spend a day with...... Tim Gunn - discussing the de-slopification (Tim's word) of America.

I hope you LOVE Rambling Rose which will be shipping to stores very soon.
LOVE us on Facebook  (okay Like us)

Leave a comment and tell me what you love. It could be a person, a fabric line, a notion, a pattern - anything -  to be eligible to win a Rambling Rose Layer Cake™, Jelly Roll™ or Charm Pack™.

The winners will be announced n Sept.13th.
Tomorrow's bloggers are 

Check back here on the 13th to see if you have won a prize!
From my heart,


  1. I love sleep! And wish I'd gone to bed earlier last night so I would have had more! Off to work here.... Oh and I love Rambling Rose. Just ordered a charm pack of it last night. So pretty!

  2. i love cool crisp autumn air...it's here now and am lovin' it! and i love sandy gervais designs....pumpkins gone wild, flirt...many more...

  3. I love what I learn from every quilt I make. I also love that my husband does the yard work and vacuums the house so I have time to sew after work! I love the creativity you put into your fabric lines.
    Linda W.

  4. I love visiting quilt stores all over the US and seeing the wide variety of fabrics and patterns.

  5. I love fabric! Your Rambling Rose is lovely!!

  6. Popcorn, Tiny Tenders White popcorn, popped on the stove. Can not hand quilt when eating it, but it's great when you need to take a break!

  7. Tiny Tenders white popcorn, popped on the stove. YUM! LOVE IT! Doesn't work too well when hand quilting, but it's great for breaks !

  8. I love my family who support my creative process, and do not put me in a program for fabric hoarding:)

  9. I love my life! Retired and able to play or work which ever I prefer!

  10. I love my 3 year old grandson!! He keeps me young at heart and the reason I make quilts which he likes to help with!! (sandybailey55@hotmail.com)

  11. I love an uncluttered sewing space! Doesn't happen often around here, but I do love it.

  12. I Love the Fall...the cooler temperatures, walks in the woods and changing colors of the leaves.

  13. I love fabric, cats, rainbows, rainy days, chocolate apple pie ... my list off the top of my head this morning. Oh, and did I saw I love your Ramblin Rose pattern. I've been waiting for the release since I saw the beauty from market pictures.

  14. I love my husband, children and grandchildren. And I love my quiet home in the woods. Ramblin Rose is beautiful!

  15. all the above, and I love MODA fabrics!

  16. Since we're talking about quilting, I love the look and feel of fabric and quilts. Love the texture of quilted fabric, don't know why just do! Thanks for the giveaway!

  17. I love my son my family and making quilts for them.

  18. I LOVE a day in my sewing room starting a new pattern - searching out the fabric and cutting and building my blocks into a quilt! Thank you for this lovely giveaway chance!

  19. I love a fall Sunday afternoon in my sewing room listening to a football game. Sipping on a Pumpkin Spice Latte is an added bonus!

  20. Your newest fabric collection is so pretty. I absolutely LOVE the shade of green you've used in this line. Such a pretty one.

    At the very top of my list of "loves" is my husband. I am SO very fortunate to have found him 14 yrs ago. He has completely spoiled me since day 1 and continues to do so even this many years later. He had the chance to run just 2 weeks before our wedding when we found I would be unable to work in just a few years from that point and possible end up in a wheelchair. I have 3 boys at the time, they were teenagers, yet he stuck around. He even goes with me every single time I go shopping for fabrics or anything sewing/quilting related and is more than happy to do it. He'll even tell me to buy something if I'm on the fence about buying something or not. What a guy! A true match made in heaven. I can't imagine my life without him. We do not dance either. I have tried many times and have faced the fact that I'm much better on the sidelines watching others. He feels the same way about dancing. lol

  21. I love my husband, my cats and my quilting - usually in that order!

  22. I love my family, and quilting, of course!

  23. I love my family and love to sew and create. Thanks for a chance to win

  24. Love my family, my cats, my quilting, They all bring me lots of Love!
    Laughter is a key to life. I love all kinds of pre cuts! I can grab and go making a new project. Sometimes I call it making a new UFO ha!

  25. I love my family and spending time with them. Thanks for the giveaway

  26. Oh my goodness, I love so many things; hubby who supports my quilt/fabric obsession, kids, grandkids, being an American, living free thanks to our veterans, friends, M&M's....I could go on. Thanks for a chance to win, Rambling Rose looks gorgeous.

  27. I love my family, my kids are my world. And now I have the joy of sharing my love with my grandson. Rambling Rose is beautiful!

  28. I love my family and appreciate how much we are blessed. I think your new fabric line is very beautiful.

  29. I love fabric!! I am always drawn to the beautiful designs, even when I have too much hoarded in my sewing room already! Rambling Rose would love to join the fun in my house :)

  30. I love Moda fabric, chocolate and the color aqua! Your Rambling Rose fabrics are so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win.

  31. I love being with my grandchildren but I also enjoy the me time when they go home with their parents.
    I LOVE your rambling rose line

  32. I love my family, friends and God.

  33. Your quilt turned out so lovely. What a beautiful fabric line. I love my family, fabric, the wind whispering in the pine trees. Thank you for a fun blog hop.

  34. I love my freedom of being single and no one to answer too when I have bought more fabric!

  35. I love all that is normally assumed but with regards to our craft, I love sitting in my sewing room surrounding by fabrics. Your quilt is lovely.

  36. I don't mean to enter twice, but I don't think I hit publish the first time.
    I love my husband, my favorite person in the world, who makes me a better, more loving, caring, sensitive person than I could possibly be on my own. I am a very lucky woman!

  37. I am a lover of jelly rolls, I like to use them to make scrappy binding. I am also a lover of chocolate, reading novels and cookery books, new fabric, and Italy. x

  38. I love my Granddaughter (No.1), she has grow up to be a loving and caring young woman. So proud of her because it has been a rough road.
    Patricia C

  39. I love getting up early in the morning before everyone else, and quilting! Best time of the day!

  40. I love finding inspiration in the unusual places that inspire me for some amazing quilt design ...

  41. I love my Chow - and being single so I can create!!!!

  42. I loving feeling FREE... to create.... to play... to work..... and I love finding the spots of time in my life where I CAN be free :-) Those stolen moments are GOLD :-) Thank you for participating in the giveaway!

  43. LOVE-I love my wonderful husband who is the nicest, kindest man in the world and our first great g'child who has a smile that could melt almost anyone's heart AND all my family and friends in between! And of course-I love making quilts! :-)

  44. I love the Rambling Rose collection........
    Thank you for a chance to win some.

  45. I love piecing, quilting and then surprising someone with a quilt. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

  46. I love my family and I love that I can sew and create beautiful quilts right here at home to keep my family cozy!

  47. I love my grand daughter who has been by my side from the time she was born. She has been so supportive since my husband passed away in Dec.

  48. I have always love fabric, I too started out making clothes for myself but my mom didn't sew...so I was on my own. I love color and a black/red is my favorite. I'm somewhat new to quilting after 30 years of NO sewing I found quilting! I think because I came from making clothes these pre-cuts are a mystery to me! I want yardage! I hope to try a pre-cut soon.

  49. I love the colors green and blue, love quilting, and recently the disappearing nine patch pattern. Several baby quilts coming up with this pattern. And I love your patterns too!

  50. I love God, my family, and hand-quilting :D homespunhandmaiden(at)yahoo(dot)com

  51. I am new to quilting and love any fabric that has red in it. Making stars are my favorite.

  52. I love everything about quilting. And the color red - a nice, deep, barn red. And I LOVE one of the quilts that I saw in Market pictures of a quilt you made with your new fabrics - it's just gorgeous. I'm hoping to be able to find a kit for it when the fabric comes out!

  53. I love the colours of the new line. Thanks for sharing.

  54. I love my family, friends and God. I also love time spent creating quilts and sewing.

  55. I love America, God, and my family.

  56. I love the feeling of my children hugging me.

  57. I am new to quilting and sewing and I love creating things out of beautiful fabrics.

  58. I love anything quilting! ANYTHING....fabrics, threads, notions, the process....really, what is not to like?

  59. I love my granddaughters! And I love my dear quilty friends both in my in person group and my online guild...nearly 20 yrs now!

  60. I love cool fall days, going for a walk with my dog and then sitting down to sew. BTW you are one of my favorite fabric designers!

  61. So many things... my family, my friends, quilting, a warm sunny day at the beach, a crisp clear cool fall day hiking to see the fall colors...and fabric... and fabric... and quilting...

  62. Love your new pattern! I'd have to say, of course my family would come first in the list of what I love. BUT, as far as my quilting hobby goes, I have (and still do) LOVE your fabric lines. I first discovered Frolic and made quilts, bags, table runners out of it and still have an unopened Fat Quarter bundle that I just can't bear to open...it looks so pretty sitting on my shelf! I also love zippity doo dah, crazy eight, gobble gobble...oh the list goes on! Thanks for a chance to win!

  63. I love how my little boy snuggles and tucks in his stuffed monkey and tells him he loves him.

  64. I love my family, sewing, quilting, and scrapbooking!

  65. Love my family, nature and being able to create when I won't to.

  66. I love all the wonderful fabrics that are available and that wonderful feeling when I complete a quilt that I made!

  67. Love my family,the world around us, Art of any kind that expresses our feelings and thoughts.I love everything we have been given by our creator. Even the bad.

  68. I love our family and making things for our 6 great granddaughters, who just love blankets made from fleece, flannel, chenille and satin. Thank you for this giveaway opportunity.

  69. I love God, my family, my country and my quilting projects. Love your fabrics too.

  70. I love GOD and life....and be able to create beautiful things for quilting.

  71. Love the beginning of Fall with the cooler temps and colors of the leaves. Such great inspiration for quilting patterns!

  72. I love shopping for fabric. It's fun to see what's new and imagine all the wonderful things I can create with it.

  73. My husband is the love of my life, closely followed by our ornery cat.

  74. I LOVE my grandchildren, next quilting then Bacon:) I always tell my grndkids I love them more than bacon, they laugh! Thanks for opportunity. qltdiva1@fuse.net

  75. I love God and the freedoms we have in this country. I love fabric, antiques, and of course my 19+ lb cat. I love people like you who are so creative, we have so many choices of beautiful fabric today. I love this line and the name Rambling Rose. Oh and did I mention chocolate I LOVE chocolate. rhoystevens@gmail.com

  76. I love my family and spending time with them. Thanks for the chance to win.

  77. My family is on the top of the list. After them I love to spend time in my sewing room. I also Love all you patterns and fabric lines. Cgouveia@q.com

  78. The thing I love above all else in this world is my family. I have been blessed with a wonderful husband who puts up with my creative mess all the time and a young son who is my biggest fan. I don't know what I would do if I didn't have my boys in my life.

  79. I love all the good ideas and projects that are included in every one of these blogs. Thank you to each and every one of your that have spent your time and energy for us.

  80. Right now I love the feeling of just having completed a workout. But now it's time to hit the shower!

  81. I love spending time in my sewing room playing with beautiful fabrics!

  82. i love the crisp early mornings before Fall rolls in and campfires.

  83. I love planning projects. This is a bit of a problem because I don't always love finishing projects. Also I wanted to say that your fabric is what inspired me to start quilting for my daughter. Thank you, although, my husband is not nearly as fond of my habit!

  84. I love the reaction when giving someone a quilt. It's pure joy to be a part of that.

  85. I love my family and my craft rooms...which has turned into more of a sewing room lol

  86. I love FQ Bundles and sitting down with it to figure out what quilt I will make with it and who is going to be receiving it.

  87. I could make a list as long as your arm because I love so much and I am so grateful for each person and every day God has given me...but to narrow it down past the obvious of family and God I love my sewing room where each week me and 5 girlfriends gather to work on our quilts or some work on knitting etc whatever they feel like. I am blessed with great friends...we have lunch together and enjoy hours of just being friends.

  88. I'd love to visit with you at the Quilted Steeple. Your 'folk art' style appeals to me. Love the little heart in the middle of your quilt! Thank you for the chance to win some fabric. Thank you for being a part of the Moda Blog Hop.

  89. Your quilt is fabulous! (Love the funnies you share in the Schoolhouse video.) The way you used color in the quilt makes a completely different looking pattern! I love the fall season, when the air is cooler and crisper, the colors are so vivid, the taste of pumpkin is everywhere, and being thankful is stressed. And growing up there was always the smell of drying corn in the air (small town in Midwest).

  90. I love my grandchildren. There is nothing as sweet as being a grandmother! I absolutely love it when my grandson brings me a book and asks me to read to him. I love holding him in my arms while we read together. I also love colors and fabric and quilting. Oh and I love my husband - he is the best!

    Pam J

  91. I love life and thank God for all the blessings I have . And now I can add your new fabric line to things I love.

  92. I love quilting retreats where you can leave everything behind and just create!

  93. I have always loved sandy gervais fabrics. When I say oh I love that fabric a d look on the bolt, most of the time it is yours. Love love it.

  94. I love my sister. So. Much. We are like two peas in a pod - and she is who taught me to quilt!!

    caribousmom (at) aol (dot) com

  95. I love spending time with quilting friends - shopping for fabric, sewing, or meeting for lunch. I love how you took the basic design and added to it - I think yours is the only quilt with a variation so far.

  96. I love family. Quilts are my way of showing my family that they are loved. The charm pack is beautiful.

  97. At this moment in time I love fall and the smell of the sea.

  98. I love my faith, my family, quilting, and chocolate!

  99. I love hand sewing with my Yorkie by my side. !!

  100. I love my two amazing daughters AND Moda fabric! Thank you for the chance to win some of your very pretty fabric!!

    tamiquilts at att dot net

  101. I love quilting! I have been looking forward to Rambling Rose and the patterns that go with it since you showed us pictures of Spring Market. They are so pretty! Thanks for the chance to win.

  102. I love my husband, sewing and my four bunnies

  103. I love my husband- still after 30 something years.

  104. I love Rambling Rose; it could be a Layer Cake, or even a Jelly Roll and even Charm Pack. Thank you for being a part of the Moda Love Blog Tour and the chance to become a Moda Winner from your Rambling Rose line.

    Sandi Timmons

  105. I love walking on the beach with my husband.....just got back from vacation and I love thinking about it!!

  106. I love being at home, surrounded by my family and things I am comfortable with. Love my fabric stash, love the blogs I follow, love creating quilts, love my life.

  107. I love making small quilts. Your Rambling Rose fabric is beautiful!

  108. Beautiful colours in Rambling Rose, love the pinks and blues.

  109. I LOVE my grandchildren! I have 13 of them, with #14 due any time! I love making quilts for them. I love your fabric line - it is beautiful!!

  110. I love my family, quilting and gardening. Thanks for this giveaway. Your fabric is beautiful!

  111. I love my dog, and I LOVE fabric - the colors, designs, possibilities!

  112. I love taking recipes and making them my own by adding or substituting ingredients, I tend to do the same with quilting patterns!

  113. I Love my grandchildren, and especially spending time with the youngest.... Alexis who will be 3 soon. The others are all teenagers now and enjoy going to their sports and being in their lives as much as possible, considering they all live in another state. The little one is only an hr. from us, so get to do so much with her. Life is precious and it isn't long before they are grown. Your fabric line is so pretty and like your little quilt too.

  114. I love my new grandson, being a first time grand mom is so fun and such a blessing.


  115. I love my family! They are the best! And I love handsewing! Beautiful fabric line!

  116. I love everything about quilting....fabric, quilting friends, stitching, and the finished project!

  117. On a serious note, I would have to say that I love my family. On a lighter note, I love fabrics, and have since I was a child. My best outings were trips to the fabric store with my mom when I was allowed to choose from the remnant bin.

  118. Walking on the beach, seeing the birds, smelling the sea air and finding a special piece of sea glass or beautiful shell for a memory.

  119. This morning my heart is full of love for my granddaughter Miss Olivia who has started her first day of pre-school…my eyes are a little teary but my heart is swelling

  120. I love your new fabric line. It is just the type of fabrics I have always been drawn to. I also love my family very much, the really do come before fabric.

  121. I love my faith, family and fabric.

  122. Your new fabric line is so cute and I love the name Rambling Rose!

  123. I also love the color red and I have found your reds in your fabric lines to be a unique red. I had to search awhile back for more red fabric of yours to match your fabrics I was sewing! Love your orangey brick red!!

  124. I love quilting at retreats with friends! Best present to myself EVER!

  125. I love your patterns, fabric lines, and quilting! I love my family! I love sew days with friends. I love Autumn! I would love to win something, just once from a blog post :-)

  126. I love quilting. Besides taking care of my children quiliting is all I want to do. :)

  127. Love your new line of fabric. Can't wait to see it in the quilt shops!

  128. HELLO, love quilting!
    Rambling Rose is gorgeous!
    Thanks for sharing!


  129. I love an evening hand stitching in my big comfy chair watching a really good series on Netflix. I also love your new fabric line . It's just so pretty. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  130. I love family and fabric and the beach. Nothing like the sound of ocean waves crashing on the shore.

  131. I love my grandson and I love your Rambling Rose fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!!

  132. My biggest love is my daughter, although I might need to expand that to include my first grandbaby, due in February.

  133. I love family, home and quilting!

    Joanne J.

  134. Sounds cheesy but I love Moda fabrics. When I was introduced to quilting my friend said "you can use any fabric you like but if you are going to put all the effort into making a quilt you should use the best you can". When I didn't have a stash that was quilt expensive but the fact is she was right. Now I have an enormous stash and most of it is Moda fabrics!

  135. I love the color red! I love quilting! I love my family!

  136. I love seeing the various fabric versions of the blog quilt! And I love the color red!!!

  137. I love fabrics! Especially floral ones. Your new Rambling Rose line is beautiful. Thanks for the giveaway!

  138. I love to sew by hand - applique, quilting, EPP... I love the rhythm, and feel of the needle. I really love your new line and I can't wait to get my hands on some. I'd love to win some - thanks for the chance!

  139. I love my 2 dogs, Boston Terriers. They are both girls, Lucy and Cameo. One is black and white and the other is brindle.
    I also have fallen in love with fabric and quilting. I have loved Moda fabrics from the get go. I also love all you designers and your blogs. I love reading them. Thank you...

  140. I love the colors of nature which inspire me to join in by combining those colors in fabric to create something uniquely my own. Color plus texture equals LOVE to me!

  141. I love picking out fabrics for my projects. I love my dog Ruckus and my fiance Doug!

  142. Love love love your 'Fine China' quilt on your market display. Looking forward to Rambling Rose being available. I just love life.

  143. I absolutely love and adore my three 3 y/o grandbabies, yup, triplets can be a lot of fun but at 3, my daughter is calling them her mini mafie-o-so.

  144. Well, probably more than anything on this earth...I love my animals. Can not live without them :-) even when they are t-r-o-u-b-l-e ! They are the best company when I'm playing with all the fabric that I also love.

  145. I LOVE reading your blog. Always seems to spark a memory from my past. Today, you mentioned shopping for material with your mom. I did the same but with my grandma. We called it "yard goods". LOVE the new Rambling Rose line.

  146. I love my six little grandchildren. They are so precious. Thank you for the generous giveaway.

  147. I love my husband - he is the best! Thanks!

    Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.

  148. I love quilting, I have only been doing it for a couple years but I absolutely love it

  149. I love my family and I love making quilts for them!

  150. I love my family and sewing for our home!

  151. Sandy, I just love this collection and the quilts that go with it. Have had them pinned just waiting for October........ Thank you for the giveaway!

  152. I love your fabrics - there is just something about them that draws me! I also love sewing and creating.

  153. I also love RED, and I have been collecting hearts for years and years. I also love my kids and grandkids. I'm sitting here now waiting on my 5 mo old grandson to be discharged after his 2nd open heart surgery; he's coming home to us. So grateful!

  154. Chocolate! I love chocolate. I have a couple of squares of dark chocolate most evenings.

  155. I LOVE fabric! Nothing makes me happier than matching beautiful prints together!
    satterfieldfamily at sbcglobal dot net

  156. I love to create-quilting, crocheting and scrapping. Fabric has always been my first love-any sewing project!

  157. I love my family 1st and fabric is the 2nd thing I love.

  158. Sewing with my granddaughter, age 9, is one of the things I love. She is so creative and doesn't mind blowing past the "rules." We have made some great things together.
    Thank you for asking!

  159. I love the blog hops, as you see and learn new things. You can also win great prizes!

  160. I love grandchildren! I can hardly wait for your new line of fabric. Those little rosebuds are calling my name!

  161. I love my children, I love making things for them, I love having them come home to visit..and I love looking at old pictures and remembering all the ways they have added to my life.

  162. I love my family. I could do without everything else in my life...yes even quilting...but I could not wake up a single day without my family.

  163. I love fabric and making quilts!

  164. I love so...... Many different people and things but I went to the video link you had for the Moda presentations at market and I loved spending the past hour watching all of you present your new lines. Thank you for that link. I would love to win some of your precuts!

  165. I LOVE red too!! I also love the precious time I get to spend with my family. It is rare when we are all together so I like to store up those memories and sew like crazy in between !

  166. I love naps. It really rejuvenates me, especially with three littles running around!

  167. P.S. When folks say MATERIAL in reference to fabric I always do a double take. I LOVE when I hear that term since that is what I grew up calling it. :D

  168. I love sewing! Anything! Clothes, quilts! And I grew up calling it material too!

  169. I love my husband and i love the pleasure of a finished quilt.

  170. I love my family! They make every occasion special and the reward for my family is the love of my grandchildren! There is nothing finer in life.

  171. I love the special feeling when I am wrapped in a quilt made by my grandmothers.
    slrdowney at hotmail dot com

  172. I love being retired. (8 months but who's counting) I loved my job but oh its great to have this schedule and QUILT.

  173. Love, Love, Love, my family, my hubby, the Holy Trinity, my furry animals we have adopted, and the gift of life. Good luck to all.

  174. I love my son, my friends, and quilting. Good luck with your outdoor quilt show!
    wlinda_ca at yahoo dot com

  175. I used to shop for material also. I made most of my own clothes in the 60's and 70's, but now I quilt.

  176. I love creating things with my hands! Thanks for the chance to win.

  177. I love my family, quilting friends, charm packs!!! The list could go on and on!!!

  178. I love my hubby and my 2 kids. I also love the freedom to create that comes with sewing and quilting (and I really love the sense of accomplishment when the project is finished!). Thanks for the chance to win! Sarah: crjandsbj(at)netzero(dot)com

  179. I love fondling fabric and putting just the right ones together for whatever quilt has popped into my mind to create this time. I love my sweet man and family and my life is such a blessing.

  180. Love fabric. Love to receive fabric in the mail. Makes the day so much brighter. Love the Moda Love pattern. Can't wait to make it.

  181. I love my family and walking in the rain!

  182. I love big stitch quilting - and the free pattern featured on this blog hop. Will be doing both soon!

  183. I love my hubby, kids, furples, quilting and my Daisy Electra cruiser bike!

  184. I love chocolate, Christmas, and quilting.

    nkadenver at yahoo dot com

  185. I love reading on the patio during sunny days, friday evenings and also my family and friends (and not this order of course) !

  186. I love my husband, children (3 + 2 spouses), grandchildren (7), and great grandchild (1).

  187. Something I loved today was going to a meeting, and knowing the guy who was leading it! I used to watch his son in daycare, so it was nice to catch up. An unexpected surprise that left me feeling good all day.

  188. I love that you put your little signature heart in the middle of your moda love quilt!

  189. I love making tote bags for my local hospital's cancer center. The patients get the tote bags instead of the generic plastic ones. I feel so good volunteering & sewing for a good cause! thanks for the giveaway and the eye candy :)

  190. I love creativity especially to see what each Moda designer has done to made the basic pattern her own. How it looks so different depending on the fabric line that is used. I looking forward to seeing what comes next.

    Love your variation.

  191. I love my 3 quilting sisters - we live in 4 different states but keep connected by doing block exchanges, round robins & group quilts. Thanks.
