Hello everyone. Today I am asking your help in locating…
this man.
His name is Mr. Brown. Last seen wearing…

a brown shirt, brown pants, brown, socks and brown shoes.
Known to be driving….

A brown box truck….

With this logo. Thought to be carrying brown packages….

with white labels with the words
Moda Fabric written in blue.
These packages are thought to contain…

this fabric.
In various prints of colors of bronze, walnut, brick red and teal.
If you know the whereabouts of this man, truck, packages
and or fabric please call 1-800-FINDFAB.
This fabric is scheduled to be shown at International Quilt Market.
We need to locate this fabric as soon as possible
as market is just a little more than a month away.
Although we may be waiting for fabric, we certainly are not sitting idle.

We have the Grand Finale patterns to correct, print,
bag and ship out to our quilt shop owners.
Yes the fall fabrics will be shipping in May!

We have been busy making several projects for new market pattern releases.

I had to design the
Moda Market School House block.
I am not sure of all of the details of the Moda schoolhouse.
I do know that the Moda designers will all be participating
and each has designed a block. I have heard the word
"freebie hand out" mentioned.
We each had to submit a recipe - so maybe a recipe book??
Food, Fabric and Freebie...what a great combination.
Hope to see all of you shop owners at the Moda Schoolhouse.
The theme for the Moda booth this year is a County Fair.

Since I was a 4-H member for 10 years I am very familiar with County Fairs.

I have been conjuring up all kinds of ideas
for my market booth with a County Fair theme.
Here is hoping you are not waiting for fabric, but using fabric.
If you see Mr. Brown please let us know.
From my heart, Sandy