Friday, December 9, 2011

Gifts Galore Blog Hop Day 5 And My Day

First off my apologies for missing yesterday's blog.
I am so busy at work that I have been doing my posts after hours in the comfort of my easy chair. However, last night our internet was down. We live in a small town so I do not have the luxury of having internet access in a multitude of local coffee shops/cafés.
So you will just have to imagine that I blogged.
Now on with today's blog.

Today is the last day of the Gifts Galore blog hop and also my day to post my block and recipe.
These three Moda designer will also be blogging, Hop on over to their blogs to see what they have to offer.

Basic Grey ~ Jen Williamson

Jan Patek Quilts ~ Jan Patek

American Jane ~ Sandy Klop

I chose the Honey Bee favorite quilt block.
I forgot my recipe book the day that the recipes were due so I just sent Lissa this one as a joke. I sent her my real recipe the next day. Well nobody likes a joke better than Moda Lissa so she printed this one instead.

Click here to download and print.

I would not want you to be cheated out of a recipe so here is my real recipe.

Baklava - one of my favorite sweets.


1 (16 oz.) package phyllo dough

1 pound chopped nuts

1 C. butter

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 C. water

1 C. sugar

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 C. honey


Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Butter the bottoms and side of a 9 X 13 pan.

Chop nuts and toss with cinnamon. Set aside.

Unroll phyllo dough.

Cut whole stack in half to fit pan.

Cover phyllo with a dampened cloth to keep it from drying out as you work.

Place two sheets of dough in pan, butter thoroughly.

Repeat until you have 8 sheets layered.

Sprinkle 2-3 Tablespoons of nut mixture on top.

Top with two sheets of dough, butter, nuts, layering as you go.

The top layer should be about 6-8 sheets deep.

Using a sharp knife cut into 4 long rows, then cut rows into diamond shapes.

Bake for about 50 minutes until baklava is golden and crisp.

While Baklava is baking.

Boil sugar and water until sugar is melted.

And vanilla and honey.

Simmer for about 20 minutes.

When Baklava is done remove from oven and immediately spoon sauce over it.

Let cool.

Serve in cupcake papers.

And it this would not be a Moda blog hop without a give away.

By now most of you know that I love glasses - the funkier the better.

I have found some pictures of glasses that are even a bit odd for me to wear.

Not your typical Grandma Glasses.

These would be for a crabby day.

To scary - remind me of bug legs.

Fancy schmancy.

Sunglasses or moonglasses?

Maybe if I were an avid deer hunter.
Every evening we have deer stroll though our yard.
What do you suppose the deer would think
if they saw me watching
them while wearing these glasses???

And last but not least this would not be a Moda blog hop without a give away.

Yesterday I received a big Moda box filled with my 2012 Christmas fabric.

Yes, just in time for Christmas!

I have named this line Merry Medley.

You have until Sunday December 12th at 11:00 PM to leave a comment on this post to be eligible to win a Layer Cake of this line. I will post the winner on Tuesday.

If you are a shop owner your Moda rep will be showing you this new line -and many other lines in January. If you are a fabric collector this fabric will be in quilt shops in July.

May you always see clearly.

From my heart,



  1. Ugh - the first to comment. Never a good sign!

    Have a very Merry Christmas. I enjoy your fabrics and your blog so much. Thanks for the laughs.

  2. The fabric looks wonderful. Have i really got to wait a year?

  3. What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win this.

  4. The fabrics are beautiful and the glasses are hilarious!

  5. Your blog is always enjoyable! Thanks for the giveaway. Happy holidays.

  6. What a fun post! Thanks for sharing!
    Love your new Christmas line!
    Happy Holidays!

  7. Love the funny photos you post (and your fabrics)! Thanks for the give-away.

  8. Your new Christmas fabric looks yummy! Thanks for the chance to win some of it! :0)

  9. What a great collection - just the right mix of a beautiful focus fabric and perfect coordinates.

    A very Merry Christmas to you and yours! Your "From my heart" wishes inspire us.

  10. Merry Christmas! This line of fabric is beautiful! Just love it.

  11. LOL! Thanks for the recipe's ;) and cute block pattern.

    Lovely new line!! Have a Merry Christmas.

  12. Love the funky glasses! And adore the fabrics!

  13. The glasses are amazingly fun. Thanks for the Honey on a stick pattern and the baklava recipe. Your Xmas fabric is the best.

  14. Your fabrics are wonderful!! Thank you for the giveaway and have a Merry Christmas!

  15. I love the new Christmas fabric!! I love that you used black!

    Thanks for the great giveaway.

  16. love the glasses! being a wearing since the 4th grade...I always enjoy seeing the funky ones...
    great fabric line, especially the music!
    thanks for sharing

  17. Yummy fabric. Can't wait to try your recipe

  18. Love the glasses. Your new line is beautiful. Always love a giveaway.
    Thank you and Merry Christmas.

  19. I love all your fabric lines and I always end up buying part or all of it!! I really love merry medley!! Thanks for you creativity. :-)
    Susie Muller

  20. Merry Medley looks wonderful. what else would I expect from you!

  21. I can't believe anyone would wear any of those glasses! I do love the fabric though!

  22. What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win this Merry Medley fabrics. Have a great Christmas!

  23. Love, love, love the glasses. If you have to wear glasses, why not have fun with them. I'm inspired to try it out myself. Your fabric is amazing.
    Merry Christmas!!

  24. Merry Christmas!!
    Can't wait to see the quilts designed out of these lovely fabrics- perfect for Christmas.

  25. terrific giveaway Merry Christmas

  26. I am reading "The Hunger Games", I can just visualize someone wears the Sunglasses-Moonglasses. Love the reds in your Christmas 2012 medley

  27. Janet Farmhouse Quilt CompanyDecember 9, 2011 at 6:46 AM

    Merry Christmas! What a wonderful new line...would love to be the lucky winner!! Thanks for the block pattern, I always enjoy your blog...maybe not the glasses? Janet

  28. Thx for my first laugh of the day - love the collection of glasses lol
    The fabric is lovely, thx for the chance.

  29. OOOHH, I love baklava! And I love your new Merry Medley--just beautiful! Thanks for the block, the recipe and the chance to win the giveaway!

  30. Love the glasses and the recipes - I sometimes have been tempted by the no fail pie recipe!! Merry Medley is gorgeous - can't wait!!

  31. The new fabric looks wonderful! Would love to start a Christmas wall hanging for next year with your beautiful fabric....thanks.


  32. The fabrics are wonderful What a great collection. Thanks for the block and the recipe. Love the Moda blog hop.

  33. Great funky glasses! That paisley print of your Merry Medley line is fabulous!!!! I better start budgeting for that line. Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  34. That looks beautiful. I really do need to build myself a Christmas stash...I better keep my eyes open for after Christmas sales this year.

  35. Thank you for the chance to win . Love Merry Medley!

  36. Sure am hoping I can get on Sandy's gift list. I love your fabric. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity and giveaway. Christmas wishes to you. Judy C in NC

  37. These fabrics look yummy.Thanks for the chance to win them.

  38. The fabric looks wonderful! I LOVE baklava so I will definitely be trying out that recipe. Thanks! Have a merry Christmas!

  39. Wow, a fabric giveaway!!! I just LOVE, LOVE fabric. And yours is beautiful, thank you for a great giveaway chance Merry, Merry

  40. Wonderful fabric, would love a chance to have a bit.

  41. These fabrics are beautiful. Would love to win!

  42. Beautiful fabrics (yours always are!) Boy would I love to win a layer cake! Thank you for the chance.

  43. Most of those glasses were pretty funky! Thanks for sharing your recipe and love that block. It's fun! Always have loved your fabric and would be ecstatic to win just a piece or two of your Merry Medley! Happy Holidays to you and yours!

  44. It's so much fun to see the new fabric lines. It always makes me want to drop my current sewing project and begin a new one because I start dreaming of how I would use that fabric.
    Merry Christmas!

  45. I love all those glasses! Some of them are quite funny. Those fabrics are beautiful. The colors are rich and deep and would be great for a nice little Christmas project!

  46. Your fabrics are wonderful, I can't wait to see them in real life! Thanks for sharing all of your fun on this blog!

  47. The fabric looks wonderful! Thanks for the chance to win.

  48. What a fabulous new line you have coming out! But then you always do. Thank you for giving us a sneak peak.

  49. Neat glasses!
    Merry Medley is a beautiful line of fabrics. A layer cake would make a lovely, festive, snuggle quilt for ME and my recliner.
    Merry Christmas!

  50. Your new fabric looks gorgeous. Thanks for sharing the recipe, block instructions and the great giveaway.

  51. Love, Love, Love the new fabric line. Thanks for participating in Blog Hop.

  52. Your cake recipe is right up my alley! Thank you for your fresh and inspiring fabric lines! KathyH.

  53. Thanks for the block and the two recipes! And for the giveaway, looks like a beautiful christmas fabric!
    Greeetings from germany

  54. I like the honey bee block too! What fun it must be to get a whole shipment of new fabric that you designed! Thanks for the fun!

  55. Thanks for the block and the two recipes! And for the giveaway, looks like a beautiful christmas fabric!
    Greeetings from germany

  56. Thanks for the block and the two recipes! And for the giveaway, looks like a beautiful christmas fabric!
    Greeetings from germany

  57. Wow!I spy some fabric with musical notes - just love 'Merry Medley'.
    Thanks for the honeybee block and the recipe.

  58. The "crabby day" glasses are a riot! Thanks for the giggles. I love your fabric line, especially the music stanzas! Thank you for a fabulous giveaway!

  59. I would love a chance to win this beautiful fabric. Great blog hop by the way. Quilt blocks, fabric give aways, and recipes..a winning combination! Happy Holidays!

  60. The new Moda christmas fabrics look absolutely gorgeous. Thank you so much for the recipe and quilt block pattern.

  61. Oh my, love the paisley and poinsetta combination in Merry Medley - can't wait to get my fingers petting this line - awesome. Have a Merry Christmas and thank you for the bonus recipe.

  62. Lovely fabric, you may gave outdone eben yourself with this new line. Can't wait to see it. Thanks for the giveaway.

  63. What gorgeous Christmas fabric! I am typically not a big fan of large scale prints, but I really love the poinsettia print. I could put these fabrics to good use for sure!

  64. Merry Christmas and I love all those funky glasses. Can't wait to try the recipe!

  65. Whow! I just fell in love! Just love Merry Medley and have a quilt pattern already picked out.Would love to win.

  66. Thanks for the chance to win. That fabric looks awesome.

  67. Wow - love the funky glasses! But, I love your new fabric line even more. It looks wonderful!

  68. Those glasses are hilarious! The fabrics are amazing-thanks for the chance to win some.

  69. The fabric would find a good home at my house!!

  70. The glasses are too funny and the fabric too pretty (if that is possible!). Thanks for the pattern and the giveaway!

  71. Love those funky glasses! When I wore contacts, I loved picking out wild sunglasses. Alas, my real glasses are tame, but someday, when I win the lottery, I'll get some funky ones like the ones you show on this post.

    And that paisley poinsettia on the top of your pile of Merry Medley should be framed it's so gorgeous!

  72. Thank you for sharing with us. The new line is gorgeous. I love black to set off the Christmas prints.

  73. Thank you so much for the wonder No Fail Cake Recipe. I once submitted to a cook book we were doing for the Historic favorite restaurants and what we had found to be good. It was a hit. I love the Honey Bee Block....we could send it to the country singer.

  74. Dying to try your Baklava recipe. Love it...but have alway been intimidated by recipes. Thanks for the give away. janet

  75. This new line will make some beautiful Chrismas quilts next year. Love the eyeglasses.

  76. What beautiful fabric. Thanks for a chance to win.

  77. Thanks for the laugh this morning. Love the fabric.

  78. Thanks for the chance to win fabric from your new line. I'll have to try your Baklava recipe. My glasses seem so boring.......
    Merry Christmas!

  79. Thanks for the chance to win - the large print right in the middle of the photo is beautiful! And I'd go for the "fancy smancy" glasses myself...

    Happy Holidays,

  80. I love the recipe - I know there are times when that is definitely my go-to cake recipe! I'm really looking forward to this new line - lines of music...woo hoo!!!!

  81. Honey Bee is one of my favorites, too. Your new line looks lovely!

  82. I can't wait until July to get my hands on some of that fabric. Love the rich colors.

  83. Merry Christmas! This line of fabric is beautiful! Just beautiful. Would love to win some.

  84. Merry Medley looks lovely! Thanks for the recipes (can't wait to try the Baklava) & the block. And the funny glasses & shoes. ha. Merry Christmas!
    ~ Debbie

  85. Beautiful fabric .... but not til 2012??? YIKES! Guess I'll have to show a little patience. Loved the funky glasses fashion show! Your fabric & blog brought a smile to me face. Merry Christmas!

  86. Thanks for the giveaway. Would love to win

  87. Oh, that fabric looks beautiful. I would love to win some right now. Love your blog. Thanks

  88. Lovely fabrics! Thanks for the lovely recipe. I love bakklava. I lived several years in Turkey and fell in love with it!

  89. We have to wait a whole year for this fabric! It's really gorgeous! Thank you for the chance to win a bit of it. I love the honey bun block as well. Good choice IMHO. Happy Holidays.

  90. I have made baklava before. It is a lot of work.
    What fun glasses.
    Merry Christmas.

  91. What a wonderful collection! I would love a chance to play with it.

  92. A beautiful line of fabric, a must have.
    Carol L

  93. The Christmas fabrics are gorgeous. Wow!!

    The glasses make me smile. As a grandmother, I think it is fun to do the unexpected sometimes.

    Happy holidays!!

  94. Would love to win something from Merry Medley.

  95. Your Christmas fabric looks fabulous and I can't wait to get some or better yet win some! Thanks for the giveaway.

  96. Loved your recipe! Can't wait to see Merry Medley - Beautiful!!
    Thanks for a chance to win, but will be looking for it next year!

  97. The glasses are a kick! And your new fabric is wonderful-I would love to have it in my stash for a 2012 project!

  98. Your fabric is beautiful. I would love to win. Fan4may at aol dot com.

  99. LOVE the new Christmas fabric! I could really use some. Merry Christmas!

  100. WOW - Love the new Christmas line of fabric, it's beautiful. Thanks for the recipe and block pattern.

  101. The new Christmas fabric is so pretty! Thank you for the recipe and block pattern. Loved the original easy! Haha!

  102. Merry Medley is stunning! Wait a year? That will be hard.

    Janet Kay

  103. Thank you for the block design and recipe. Love the fabric and the glasses are awesome.

  104. This line looks very pretty - I can't wait to see more! Have a merry Christmas!

  105. I am already envisioning next year's Christmas quilt.

  106. Your new line of Christmas fabric looks beautiful and I would love to win some of it.

  107. Nice. Love the new Christmas line.

  108. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....LOVE the look of those new Christmas fabrics! Maybe if I started earlier (Jan/Feb) I could finish without stress before Christmas?? All the funky glasses looked really fun!

  109. What beautiful fabric. I can hardly wait until next summer when it is available. It would be great to win a sneak preview of it. Thanks for your wonderful fabric designs.

  110. I love Merry Medley! So gorgeous! Thanks for the opportunity to win.=)

  111. Sandy,
    Thank you for being the hostess with the mostest for this blog hop. The blogs are so full of insppiration! And thank you for the opportunity to win this fantastic collection. The fabrics are stunning! Happiest of holidays!


  112. Love the black in the christmas your blog is always enjoyable.....funny glasses!

  113. Your new fabric line is gorgeous!! I would love to win some. Thanks for the block & recipe!

  114. Your new fabric is beautiful! Thank you for the chance to win-- and for sharing those funky eyeglasses. (g) I don't think I'd be brave enough to wear any of them, but it would brighten my day to see someone else walking down the street in them!

  115. I don't know how you designers keep up - 2012 already!!! Keep me in stitches, would love to win fabrics!

  116. This is beautiful Sandy - so anxious to see it! And the new patterns!

  117. Yay!! Sheet music for Christmas! What beautiful colors, how lucky I'd be to win. Thanks for the chance.

    Leslie J.

  118. Wow! Love it!! Thanks so much for the opportunity!!

  119. Your new fabrics as gorgeous. I'd love to win. Thanks for the recipes & block pattern.

  120. Okay, one of my very favorite blocks is the Honey Bee too. I love Baklava and have only made it twice but oh! so good. Your new Christmas fabrics look fabulous!! I can't wait to see them in person. Thanks so much

  121. Awesome glasses! Merry Christmas!

  122. what a fun Christmas present, love the music fabric. Thanks!

  123. Thank you Sandy for your recipes and block. I would love to win a Merry Medley layer cake.
    Merry Christmas to you and yours!

  124. Love the rich colors I see in the peek preview of Merry Medley!

    My hubby got a huge chuckle out of your "No-Fail Easy as Pie Cake!" LOL! Thanks for the wonderful quilt block and for hosting the giveaway!

  125. Love those glasses! What gorgeous fabric! Thank you for the generous giveaway and Happy Holidays to you and your family!

  126. The sneak peak of your 2012 Christmas fabric is tantalizing! I can't wait to see the whole line and would love to win a layer cake. Thanks for the chance.

  127. Merry Christmas! I have enjoyed the blog hopping this week. Thanks for the great cake recipe :)
    and the chance to win some great fabric

  128. Merry Christmas. These hops are such fun. Love the glasses! Thank you for the giveaway opportunity!

  129. I've never seen any glasses like those! I love the new fabric line and thanks for the chance to win.

  130. Oh, this is gorgeous stuff! I love your new Christmas fabric and can't wait to see more of it!

    I love that block! The little appliques make it special.

  131. I love your new fabric! Thanks for adding a lot of fun to the blog hop. I especially loved seeing the shoe pics.
    Merry Christmas!

  132. Merry Medley looks awesome! I love the colors!

  133. What fun glasses! Your fabrics look beautiful and I would love a chance to win the layer cake! Thanks for the recipe and block pattern too!

  134. I love the fabric. Happy holidays and thanks for the chance to win!

  135. I love your new fabric. Thank you for the block and the recipes. Sandy

  136. We have to wait almost a year before we can get our hands on this fabric?

    It's stunning. love the colors and design.

    Merry Christmas

  137. Oh my that Christmas fabric looks yummy! I like Baklave too - my recipe has too much honey in it and it oozes out and makes a mess. I will have to try yours.

  138. Thanks for the chance to win some of your beautiful Christmas fabric! Merry Christmas to you and yours, SWarren

  139. Merry Christmas, Fabulous fabric,would love to add it to my stash. Thanks for the block and recipes.

  140. I love this post! Baklava recipe AND funky glasses?! AND it's Friday?! :o) I'd love some Christmas fabric... I'm the worst procrastinator, maybe this would be the kick in the pants to get going on next year's projects! :)

  141. I love this new Christmas fabric!

  142. Thanks for the block pattern and recipe. I had Baklava for the first time yesterday--YUMMY! I would love to win a layer cake of "Merry Medley"!

  143. BE STILL MY HEART!!! Love your new Christmas line!! The colours are so rich and vibrant and ...WELL.. Christmasy!! Thanks so much for the chance to win some!! Have a wonderful Christmas and all the best!

  144. Merry Christmas, love the new line, a shame we have to wait so long to see it.

  145. This is a beautiful line!!! So festive!

  146. Ooohhh I want to see more of that beautiful fabric!!! Next year is too long to wait. Thanks for the chance to win some now. And thanks for the recipe - I love baklava and now I can try and make it.

  147. Your fabrics are lovely. Can't wait. Happy Holidays!

  148. Merry Medley looks lovely in photo. How fun and pretty. ~ Jody R

  149. This comment has been removed by the author.

  150. Merry Medley is gorgeous fabric! Thank you for the recipe and block and for the giveaway.

  151. Can't wait to see this fabric line for real! The musical notes fabric is beautiful!

  152. Love those glasses & the fabric. Thank you for the giveaway. Merry Christmas!

  153. Paisleys and poinsettias, just beautiful fabrics! Thanks for a chance to win. Baklava is a favorite of mine, too!

  154. AWESOME(In a singsong voice.)! I love the honey bee block! Yay, I'm so glad you posted that one!

    Love that musical notes fabric. Ahh, after the holidays maybe I can start buying some fabic again...

  155. I too love shoes and funky glasses. Thanks for the chance to win. I love all your fabric.

  156. Gorgeous! I don't know how you do it, but every new fabric line is even better than the last! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity and talent with all of us!


  157. I love this fabric - can't wait until it is available!! Thanks for your wonderful designs and patterns. Merry Christmas!

  158. Once again you've outdone yourself on your newest line. It just gorgeous.

  159. Wow What a beautiful new line. Can't wait to find it in my LQS!

    Can't wait for you to draw my number! I have a place for that.

    mjthompson at

  160. I can see clearly now (heehee) that I need this Merry Medley layer cake! Thanks for the recipe, block and chance to win. Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!!

  161. This fabric looks beautiful! Happy Holidays!

  162. What gorgeous fabric ! Oh how I would love to win this fabric!

    Thanks for the recipe & block pattern

  163. Thanks for sharing. Got a laugh out of the first recipe.
    the fabric looks wonderful.

    Happy holidays.


  164. I wear glasses too, but don't think I want praying mantis type frames on my face. Like them in the garden, but that's about it. Love your Christmas fabric, and love the honey bee block. Thanks so much.

  165. Just have to have it.

    Thanks for the great fabric lines.


  166. this fabric looks great - I especially love the traditional colors and the prints are updated classics - love it!

  167. Oh my goodness...I see sheet music designs in your fabric collection. I cannot wait to see it. It would be even better to win the layer cake. Yum! And thanks for the block, recipe and entertaining glasses pix!!

  168. Loved the glasses :) Your next Christmas line looks beautiful and I especially LOVE the large print!! Thanks a bunch and Merry Christmas to you..

  169. The new line that is gorgeous!!!!I would love to win the new fabric...Thanks for the chance to win....

  170. This fabric looks awesome!

  171. Your fabric lines are always my favorite! I would love to add this one to my collection. Have a great holiday!!!

  172. Love the Christmas fabric. Thanks for the chance to win!

  173. You mean I have to wait until JULY to get my hands on that marvelous material line? Can't possibly wait that long, so I better be the winner on Tuesday! Thanks for your block and the baklava *Ü*

  174. Your Merry Medley fabric looks great! Would love to add it to my Christmas fabrics. Thanks for sharing your recipe and have a Merry Christmas! Lana D.

  175. Love the funky glasses & the new line is not bad either ;)

  176. Love every line you come out with. Own most of them. Thanks for the opportunity to win another.

  177. Oh do we really have to wait until July for this! I love this colour combination. Thanks for the chance to win some.

  178. I love Christmas, and Christmas fabric. Your line looks lovely!

  179. Wow Merry Medley looks wonderful. Sandy you always come up with great designs.

  180. Love the glasses and your block. This has been a great blog hop!

  181. I would totally wear those sunglasses/moonglasses!! And I love BOTH your recipes (today I think I love the joke recipe the most LOL). Merry Medley is gorgeous and I'm crossing my fingers that Santa puts some in my stocking!
    - sunshdws at yahoo dot com

  182. Ooh--the Christmas fabric for 2012 is gorgeous! I'm not so sure about the glasses though....
    Karen in Breezy Point

  183. Those glasses crack me up. I have a little boy who would go for the last pair in a heartbeat! Your new line is lovely. Thanks for the chance.

  184. Oh wow what a great line. I would love it in my stash, I will be anticipating it all next year until it is in the shops.

  185. Hi Sandy,
    My first response when I saw the picture of your new fabric line was "OMG...she designed this just for ME!" I have always loved paisley and my favorite color combo is reds and greens! It's really gorgeous!
    My next response was "I have to wait till July?" Oh dear. I hope I can wait! ;-) I'm not a patient person! :-(
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  186. Your fabric is always so pretty!

  187. What fun it would be to start on 2012! Christmas goodies.

    These look very rich and luxurious in the photo.

  188. Merry fabric for a merry time of year. Thank you for the give away and Merry Christmas.

  189. Wow! That is beautiful fabric-very classy.

    My husband was just looking for a good baklava recipe. I'll try yours! Thanks.

  190. I love your recipe on your Moda card, especially number 9, "serve with guilt free confidence!" I have to admit, there were times when when I was a Mom, student, and held a full-time job that when I was asked to supply cookies for a bake sale that I went to a bakery and put them on my own tray - with no guilt! The best was going to the store and finding the packge of flour tortillas that had burnt spots and were misshappen, wrapping them in foil and just saying thank you when someone raved about how good they were. Well, they were good tortillas! Please enter me into the drawing for your new layer cake, it would make a wonderful quilt. I'm now a grandma working full-time and love the precuts; what a fun way to make a quick quilt that alway comes out GREAT!

    Char S.

  191. What a wonderful giveaway. I would love to win this.

  192. My family was talking about making baklava last weekend so the recipe timing was perfect! In the first quilting class I ever took, back in the dark ages, we made the honeybee block. I'm not sure if I've seen it since! I LOVE your new fabrics and always enjoy your posts.

  193. wow! would love to win one of those cake layers, please count me in the draw! thank you for this great opportunity! Yay!

  194. I actually kind of like the antler ones... LOL!!!
    LOVE your fabric! I think I love ALL of your fabrics!
    Merry Christmas!

  195. WOW!! What rich colors in the new Christmas fabric--can't wait to touch it.

    Thank you for sharing your collection of glasses.

  196. janet @ lemontreequiltsDecember 9, 2011 at 10:57 AM

    Hi, what a fabulous Christmas line of fabrics, please pick me to win!

  197. I love your fabric designs, and this one is no exception. The first quilt I made was with your fabrics. Thank you for all your beautiful designs.

  198. Beautiful fabric! My goal next year is to make a Christmas quilt, this would do nicely. :)
