Thursday, April 14, 2011

Mr Brown Has Been Found!

We received a tip that Mr. Brown had been spotted in a certain parking lot in town around about 10:00 in the morning. Sooo we went under cover.

As under cover as one can be in a bright blue Astro van.

Armed with only with a seam ripper

Sure enough the brown truck and Mr. Brown did appear around 10:00.

We jumped out of the van and demanded my packages.

He said he didn't think he had any of my packages.

I flashed my seam ripper and sure enough he fumble around

and found a brown package with a Moda label.

I told him there were two packages.

More fumbling.

And sure enough he came up with package number 2.

He handed over both packages without incident.

We loaded the packages in the Astro and made a quick get away.

As quick as you can get away in an old Astro van.

Now that I have fabric I am holding my seamstresses hostage...with my seam ripper.

Many projects need to be completed in the short 3 weeks before market.

Who knew the pressure of market could lead to a life of crime.

Wishing you a seam ripper free day.

From my heart,



  1. Good luck!!! I'm so excited to see what you make with your new loot!

  2. Way to go! Who knew the varied uses of the seam ripper! Somehow though, Sandy the Ripper just doesn't sound as daunting as Jack!

  3. 3 weeks!! What are you going to make? mug pads? LOL! You are a very ambitious woman. I'm cheering you on! YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  4. I'm glad there was no actual violence necessary to obtain your proper packages! Too funny.

  5. Oh so funny! So glad you tracked him down and found your fabrics ... best of luck with your seam ripper, sewing machine and all your projects!

  6. LOL! Hope to see some lovely creations from you very soon.

  7. We love it when the brown truck comes up our lane to deliver a package. Thankfully though we never have a dreaded deadline to keep with what has been delivered. Love your fabric and your designs!

  8. Thank you for that - from the bottom of my heart! These market preps are getting to me - and I needed that!!!

  9. Thank you for that - from the bottom of my heart! These market preps are getting to me - and I needed that!!!

  10. Such pressure! Glad to hear Mr. Brown came through for you!

    Kate Spain's post for today was quite entertaining too.

    Can't wait to see what goodies you create for market.


  11. cute post...glad you found the treasure. Now you need to sew day and night. Wish I could help.

  12. Gosh, I really needed this laugh this morning!!! Thanks:) Looking forward to seeing what is created for Market!

  13. How could he miss the Moda love? My UPS man knows that the blue & white tape boxes are high priority. (Thank goodness his wife is a quilter.) No sneak peaks?

  14. Love your imagination!
    Sandy Muir

  15. As long as the quilt police don't come for you, you should be all set!

  16. our new fabric line looks like it will help create lots of fun new pieces.
