Sunday, April 3, 2011

Winter, Spring, Summer

Friday there was still ice on the lake - still winter in my book. Saturday morning….

the ice was gone - nothing but open water -

a sure sign winter is gone and Spring is here.

Today my Crocuses are blooming…

and it is 74 degrees and sunny.

It almost feels like summer.

We spent the day out at the lake.
We fired up the Weber and grilled some Iowa Chops.
I spent the whole day sitting on the deck soaking up the wonderful, warm sunshine.
I feel totally rejuvenated and ready to take on the busy week ahead.

If we did not have winter...would we appreciate spring as much as we do?

Have a great week.

From my heart,


  1. Still winter in Ohio. Bits of ugly snow on the ground, and snow flurries in the forecast for tomorrow. But, for sure, we midwesterners know how to appreciate good weather!

  2. I know I wouldn't look so desperately for the green sprouts proving spring was coming if winter wasn't so long ... snow this morning, melted with the sun and it is once again snowing again. Ah, the Montana weather :) Hope your enjoy the week ahead!

  3. I almost hate to post - but North Carolina is heavenly right now with dogwoods blooming and Spring green everywhere. I love your idea of rejuvenating at the lake - very beautiful. Judy C

  4. The flowers are gorgeous! I feel like I can touch them. We had a bit of sun in Oregon yesterday but I woke up to rain again this morning.

  5. It's suppose to be 94 here in Hemphill, Tx. You are welcome to come share the wet wool blanket with me. It does help the skin to keep moist.

    I just noticed the name of your new fabric line. I hope so much it is not the last of your designs for Moda. Working in a quilt shop, I can always stick one of your fabrics in a collection of "shabby" and give it life!

  6. Spring! I have more energy to do everything! I'm used to the deer eating my tulips, but this year they ate the crocuses, too. Come on, deer, leave my flowers alone. Can you fix that, Sandy?
