Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Best Deposit

For those of you who read my blog yesterday you know that my scanner died.
Since I did not have a scanner, my DH had to scan several items for me today.
We work in separate buildings so he loaded the scans on a flash drive.
When I opened the last file on the flash drive...

This is what I found.
A great deposit - the best - wouldn't you say?
I must say it kind of looks like him.
He even captured his slightly lazy eye.

I printed it and framed it to set on my desk.

Thanks to everyone for all of the deposits I received during the blog hop.
I am rich.

From my heart,


  1. Youw wonderful post reminded me of a card my Marty sent me - little girl and boy (about five yo) in yellow raincoats holding hands walking along a path and inside "We will be allright as long as we have each other and snacks." That one is framed and is my treasure. Love those thoughtful guys. Judy C

  2. Now "THAT'S" a deposit worthy of framing !!

    Thank you for all your wonderful posts, Sandy. And all the fun paintings during the Moda Pillow Blog Hop.

  3. That is so romantic! :-) You don't need a new scanner if you have this guy to help you out!

  4. Ok, that is SO sweet. Does he offer classes in romantic gestures for really deserving husbands? I would be happy to sign mine up! We live close, so if he needed to offer multiple classes, we would be ok with that :)


  5. Love that! Reaffirms my faith in humanity when they pull out the sweetness!

    And I 'm hoping that blogging so many days in a row with the pillow talk swap means you'll be back more often!

  6. I just discovered your site. I'm always a day late. Love the patterns and fabrics you have designed. Please ask your readers to contact me if they have a Sweet Potato Pie Panel to sell. I found your old pattern on last falls vacation, but can't find the panel. Thanks for the wonderful things you do and thanks for your help. Phyllis (cell ph:(217)341-4234)

  7. Sandy,
    That is a sweet "deposit". I love how you framed it for your desk.

    Enjoy your blog and all your designs and fabric.


  8. Adorable! My husband asked me the other night if I wanted to keep the Valentine's day card he gave me. I said "Of course", and he put it on the mantel. Then he noted as he stuck the envelope in recycle that he always puts a heart over the "i" in my name when he signs the cards. I told him I always notice that :)

  9. So sweet. I love that you printed it and framed it.

  10. And that's why we love our DH's... even when others might question our reasons, or we might question ourselves...

  11. Way to go, Bruce. Sandy, I loved all your paintings on the Pillow Talk. You never cease to amaze me!!

  12. That's the sweetest gesture I've seen all week. There's nothing quite like a good man that loves you is there? Err, yes, I am speaking from experience :o)

  13. What a wonderful DH you have. Isn't love the best??

  14. What a sweet deposit! You are a lucky woman as your hubby is a lucky man.

  15. There are still some romantics out there! I love it, made my day and brought a smile to my face! give him a hug!

  16. how very sweet and adorable and yes, very frame worthy!! You lucky lady you! definitely an "awwww" moment ... thank you so much for sharing something so special!!

  17. Wow - TWO artists in one family! It looks great in that frame. He has the coolest sense of romance.

  18. So sweet... The little things sometimes mean the most... :-)
