However, today's blog is not about groceries as I really do have something to talk about. I thought I would share with you some of the places where you can find Sandy Gervais these days.
The fine people at Fons & Porter invited me to participate in an episode of Quilt with the Stars.
Sandy Gervais - a star - yep it's a stretch - but apparently they think I am a star - or they were desperate.
For this gig I worked with Mary Fons, Marianne Fon's daughter. Mary has many talents that expand way past the quilting world. I love her quirky, artsy personality and it is truly a joy to work with Mary.
Go to this fun little video to find out more about the fabulous Mary Fons.
Quilt with the Stars has three parts
Part one talks about the project that I made for their magazine For the Love of Quilting.

You can find my project in the July/August issue of For the Love of Quilting - on stands now. Check it out.
Part two is a small trunk show.
And part three is about me and my studio.
Go here to watch the three parts.
Like I said before it is always very painful to watch yourself on tape. At least this one they have me planted behind a counter and on a chair - no need to dance around like a dancing bear!
Have a great day.
From my heart,