my mother was able to go home.
We are thankful - I am not sure she could have stood another day.
I ask - why do they make hospital rooms such depressing colors?
Her room was a cool gray on the bottom with a gray and mauve print on the top.
I myself found it depressing, just the short amount of time I spent in the room.
On Sunday I took her one of my Fresh Squeezed quilts.

I must say it did help to brighten up the room.
#379 Cutup
I would like to thank all of you for your comments, kind words, emails and cards during these past weeks.
To show my appreciation for your kindness, I put all of the comments, emails and card senders names in a bowl and drew 3 winners - although you are ALL winners.
The winners are:
Crafty Mama - Frolic Layer Cake™
Anne O - Frolic Turnover™
Jenny - Frolic Jelly Roll™
Will the winners please email me your addresses so I can send you your prize.
Be thankful for your home sweet home.
From my heart,