Both kids were home this past weekend
to spend some time at the cabin ice fishing.
They wanted to show me the ice fishing ropes.
Lesson number 1: You do not ice fish in a wool plaid coat and leather gloves. Who knew you needed special clothing to catch a fish? I guess you need Gortex™, Under Armour® and a goofy bomber hat - none of which I own.
And really, do you think the fish know what you are wearing?

Years ago everyone fished in wool coats - heck they fished in wool everything.
Wool coat, wool pants, wool plaid shirt, wool underwear and wool socks,
and they caught plenty of fish.
I'm just sayn' I don't think my problem is my clothing.
As soon as you get inside your hut, you take your coat off.
So does it really matter?
(Yes it is toasty warm in the little hut.)

And what is this? I ask.
Lesson #2:
You need weed to catch fish. Weed???
Gortex, a bomber hat and weed??? I don’t have any of these items.
The kids quickly set me straight. Fake vegetation. I guess you put some fake vegetation in the lake. Hopefully the fish will think it is a home??

I don't think the fish are buying it.
Lesson number 3: You need patience. I don’t have a lot of patience, so after a while I embarrassed my children by walking around the lake, in WOOL, to snap some pictures.

There is a whole little village out on the lake.
Can you guess which hut is ours?
If you are interested in making this quilt for your ice hut - or any other reason, check it out at Pattern #374 It's a Guy Thing. This quilt uses the stack and slice method of piecing, so it is quick and easy.
The wheel house behind our little hut is the Ice House Mansion. It seats 6 fishermen and a dog comfortably. However, the house has rules.

I see by rule number #3 that Bimbo and Bruce rule!
We prefer plain ol' chili. If you like yours all doctored up this is not the chili for you.

1 lb. hamburger browned.
1 onion chopped
2 small cans light red kidney beans
1 lg. can petite diced tomatoes
1 can tomato juice
3 Tblsp. chili powder
2 Tblsp. vinegar
Simmer until onions are softened.
Ladle into bowls and top with a small pad of butter.
Our family is not a cracker crusher family. We never crush our crackers.
We like to spread them with cheese spread and eat them with our chili not in our chili.

Cheese Spread
1 jar Kraft Old English Cheese
1 tub soft margarine
Mix together and spread on crackers.
You can also spread this on French bread,
While the chili simmers, I will see if I can catch a fish…
Fish tally:
Bruce: 3
Anthony: 4
Abby: 3
Me: 0
I failed Ice Fishing 101. :-(
From my heart,