I am too stupid to blog! I am a person who very often leaves her purse behind. Now I have to remember to take a camera every place I go so I have blog pictures. Sometimes I do remember the camera but then I forget to take pictures. Sometimes I take pictures but they are blurry. Sometimes I take pictures and somehow delete them when I save them. It is just too much for my little pea brain to remember. I feel like saying I QUIT! But I am not a quitter - not just yet anyway. Instead I will bore you with a post with very few pictures.
In May we bought what is known as the "Oak Lake Cabin". It really is not what I would call a cabin - it is more like a little house on a lake 5 miles from Algona.
As we where walking down the hill to look at the cabin, I thought the fabric on the window looked very familiar. Sure enough the curtains were made out of my very first line of fabric. It was right there and then that I decided us owning this cabin was meant to be. The next day we bought it.
The cabin needed some redoing to become "ours". I took the curtains down. (It has been 15 years - I have moved on.)
Here is were I am too stupid to blog comes into effect.
Did I take any before pictures - NO
Did I take any pictures of us painting - NO
Did I take any after pictures - 2 of them.
So with my limited drawing skills, I will illustrate. (Remember in the previous blog I confessed that I really cannot draw without a lot of erasing and redrawing.) I do not have time to erase and redraw so bear with me.
Son Anthony came home for a weekend to help us paint. He likes to paint. He sometimes paints to pick up extra money.

Anthony's girlfriend Deb came along. She was a dear and painted the two teeny tiny closets, among other things. Bless her heart.

Deb's dog Coco also came along. Coco wanted to paint but couldn't.

Dear husband Bruce also helped. He really does not like to paint.

I painted the porch floor and screen door. I wish I had taken before pictures there was hardly any paint left on the floor.

We painted the dining room Benjamin Moore Jalapeno Green

This past weekend both of the kids and their boyfriend/girlfriend came home for a weekend at the lake to do nothing but relax.

Anthony and Deb relaxing on the patio. (Now you know what they really look like.)

Daughter Abby and her boyfriend Zach fishing. Zach caught a lot of fish plus the light pole.

Abby - just chillin'

Cousin Cory came for a visit. He caught the first fish - did I get a picture? NO

Anthony telling Cory a fish story - it doesn't look like Cory is buying it.

View from the patio and our bedroom window. Wonderful to wake up to.
We all had a great time at our little cabin and I can't wait to get together again.
I made this snack for the weekend. It's a fun snack to serve at the lake.
Hook Line and Sinker
6 Tablespoons butter melted
2 Tablespoon parsley flakes
1 1/2 tsp. dry tarragon
1 tsp. onion powder
½ tsp. celery salt
2 C. gold fish crackers
2 C. pretzel stix
1 C. Cheerios
1 C dry roasted peanuts
Mix until coated.
Bake in shallow pan @ 325° for 45 minutes
stirring every 15 minutes.
Serve in a clear glass bowl.

Have a good week and remember to take some time to do nothing but relax.
From my heart,
P.S. On Saturday we all went to Jackson Minnesota to my parents farm for their annual threshing bee. I took my camera - but kind of forgot to take pictures. Give me a break it was 100 degrees in the shade - my brain was cooked. (Old people are not even supposed to be outside when it is that hot.) Go to my sisters blog
http://www.withthyneedleandthread.blogspot.com/to read all about it as told by her grandson Beckham. It was a fun filled day - other than the heat.